John Bibby

Hi.  I am John Bibby.  I own Tennesseebuhurt.

I heard about Buhurt about 15 years ago, but there were no clubs anywhere near where I lived and I wasn’t in a life space where I could commit to the amount of travel needed to participate, much less succeed.  About 2 years ago I discovered a seedling club here in Nashville.  We met at someone’s house and trained in their backyard; but there were plans, ambitious plans.  I wasn’t really part of those plans, but I was willing to help and certainly to train and fight.


Some of those ambitious plans have been rolled out.  I have seen them succeed and I participated in the first Fight Extravaganza at the Nashville Palace.  I lost my match in a sudden death squeaker.  Not bad for a guy who gave up 30# and 20 years to his opponent.  

I love the fighting, the comraderie; but I may like building things for the sport more.  That is how Tennessee Buhurt came about.  I built my own Brig (which I still use, although the Mk II version is in the works).  Then, I started building shields.  My first few were not so successful, but forensic examination lead to great improvement.  I can now tailor the shield to a specific niche in the sport.

Next, I noticed the Polearm guys breaking hafts in almost every fight.   I started prototyping designs.  The first few were better than solid wood options, but not by a lot.  I am now on the Mk IV version and I am pretty sure it is a very strong option.Sure enough that I warranty them.

As hinted at above, I am likely a bit old to be competitive on the National or International stage.  Real easy to see, as Mickey Gallus (current US Champ in my weight class) routinely kicks my ass.  But, I have fun and most of the young guys are not exactly happy to draw me as their opponent.  Not to mention, nothing like fighting while using your own equipment as a means of testing a new design.